Saturday, November 2, 2013

Another NaNoWriMo

It's November and I've launched into another 50K-word novel in month adventure.
Well, last year I kept it under wraps. So maybe putting it out there ahead of time will keep me on track this time around.
NaNoWriMo encourages participants to get, well, encouragement from friends and family. So that's what I'll be doing here at mkcomicman, letting you all know where i am in the contest and hoping you'll have time to cheer me on.

Here's what we have so far:

Novel: Missing Jewel

Synopsis: A missing youth who doesn't want to be found. Parents strained by the disappearance. A church leader questioning his ministry. A mysterious P.I. who seems to be everywhere and is intent solving the case. And can he also bring them all together to find that peace that also seems to be alluding them?

"Umm, you’re going to think this is strange."
"No whats up," he insists.
"I, well, I'm fasting. I like to do it before really get to far in a case. It clears me out, and opens me up at the same time. Crazy, right."
"No we get it," he says with a glance at his wife.
"Yeah, We’ve fasted on occasions," she says.
PI pauses. Then: "Oh I wouldn’t have thought that. You don’t come across as churchgoers or believers in that kind of thing."
The words hit home, cut deep.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. It's just that I’ve never heard you mention God, so I wouldn’t think prayer and fasting is something you do."
How hardened have their hearts become? the same voice echoes in their heads.

Look for my word count tracker soon! And to any other NaNoWriMo writers out there, Go for it!

1 comment:

JAB said...

I'm thinking of trying NaNoWriMo again in 2016 to get my next novel started.